It is central to their ideas about child rearing-and life. This issue is painful, and for my parents, it is not ancillary. There are a myriad of reasons, but perhaps I am indeed at fault for not trying harder. Perhaps I planted a seed? I may never know.Īfter reading these vignettes, you may wonder why I don’t say more, do more. I tell her of broken relationships, things that need mending, work yet to be done-and regrets. I tell her that I only learned later how much those siblings hated me for what I did to them. I tell her that I did as she does-that I too wielded the rod against those not much younger than me, authorized by our parents as she is now. I take aside a middle sister, the one who seems to toe the party line slightly less-the one I hope may be yet receptive. Does the age difference even matter? It’s not much. The younger one protests, and the older one’s face hardens. “Pick up your toys or you will get a spanking.” I look across the room and see a sister, brandishing a wooden mixing spoon, standing over a still younger sister-the special needs child. The tears will come later, when I am alone. And I hold in the tears, though that is harder. She is so very sure of herself-it becomes hard to keep a level mind. Telling me that they will end up selfish, miserable, and in jail, or worse. Telling me that I am ruining my children by not hitting them as she hits hers.
She’s almost yelling now, her voice full of emotion, my mom. Not in the script.Īfter a moment of deadpan expressions, conversation moves on, nothing addressed. My story is about the messages spanking taught me-messages they never intended to send. I tell a story too, but my story is not funny. They laugh, but I do not find them funny. My smallest siblings are smiling now, large, fake smiles.Īt the table my parents swap spanking stories, stories from the present and the past. “Do you need a spanking?” Mom’s tone has changed, and her face. But if you happen to hear their names in the news, they weren’t just friends.My smallest siblings are giggling, making funny faces.

This isn’t me saying go and try and find that video- please, I don’t want you guys to.

Sick that this happens on the daily over there and other countries and no one does a damn thing about it, no one. Sick that the media would rather blame their lesbianism on their deaths rather than the man responsible. Sick that at the end of the video, a store decided to shutter down rather than try and help those girls. Sick that it happened, that no one helped, that they all walked away, WALKED AWAY. They weren’t just friends- this is what Chinese news are reporting this as, and focusing on the fact that one of them came from a broken home- one article even dared to blame them being lesbian on the fact a broken home was involved, and justifying it based on this. In case you guys are news watchers/readers- the double murder of Fang Xiaotong (方晓彤) and Liu Jixi (刘继禧) was a hate crime. Eastern and western news outlets are not delivering the same truth on their story, not that I’ll be talking about the details. I’ve content warned this but I’m not cutting it because it deserves exposure. While my mixup with seongmin isn’t nearly as embarrassing I’m still very aksldjfksjdfk !!!! and by the time I realized the line had stopped, I’d already said hi to hyungwon and complimented him telling him that he looked good today and changkyun was just… standing there… with no fan in front of him… and so my brain was like “shit say something to him” so I recycled the compliment and told him he looked good too and changkyun just smirked/scoffed, crossed his arms, and went, “yeah, sure” and I just buried myself my own grave right then and there LOL. So for the dreaming meet and greet in LA back in 2021, they hadn’t given a heads up on how the line would move they kinda just sent 5ish people at once through and I’d also never done a plexiglass hi-wave event so I had no idea that the line was going to move a little slower than a normal hi-touch and akljdsfkjk I said hi to kyun and the line moved so I moved on to hyungwon but I was awkwardly stuck between the two of them because the line stopped for a good solid moment.

IGNORED NOOOOOOOOO HOW WHY AKLSDJK please tell me it was some sort of line mistake going so fast or something omg 😭😭😭 AHHH I’m glad you enjoyed it!!!!!! thank you for reading 🥺🥺 and omg honestly all the brain malfunctioning happening… I forgot how big of a group they were so I was just short circuiting by the time I got to minhee and wonjin I was like tHERE ARE TOO MANY PRETTY BOYS TO TAKE IN and they are soooooo gorgeous all of them, and very good at direct eye contact 100% can confirm implosion!!