The Judicial Council’s Collaborative Justice Courts Advisory Committee advises the Judicial Council regarding collaborative justice, or problem-solving, courts. Awareness of and responsiveness to diversity and cultural issues help ensure an attitude of respect within the collaborative justice court setting. Effective collaborative justice courts emphasize a team and individual commitment to cultural competency.Forging partnerships among collaborative justice courts, public agencies, and community-based organizations increases the availability of services, enhances the program's effectiveness, and generates local support.Effective collaborative justice court operations require continuing interdisciplinary education.Monitoring and evaluation measure the achievement of program goals and gauge effectiveness.Ongoing judicial interaction with each collaborative justice court participant is essential.A coordinated strategy governs the court's responses to participants' compliance, using a system of sanctions and incentives to foster compliance.Collaborative justice courts provide access to a continuum of services, including treatment and rehabilitation services.Eligible participants are identified early and promptly placed in the collaborative justice court program.

Collaborative justice courts emphasize achieving the desired goals without using the traditional adversarial process.Collaborative justice courts integrate services with justice system processing.Collaborative justice key principles, as defined by the Collaborative Justice Courts Advisory Committee, based on the National Association of Drug Court Professionals' (NADCP) 10 components described in " Defining Drug Courts: The Key Components," are as follows: